
Moby ID: 206835
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Official Description (Ad Blurb)

BALLS. The Brainwave Ascension Launch-Liftoff Spaceship, basically the best ship ever. Chet thought he'd be flying solo but now there's another guy?!

A sci-fi kinetic novel created for Yaoi Game Jam 2021, also submitted to SuNoFes.


  • Approximately 5500 words
  • Enemies to lovers, except the enemies part is one-sided and the other guy is just baffled
  • Vaguely phallic spaceships

Source: Store Description

Groups +


Credits (Windows version)

4 People

Story by
Art by
Coding by
Music by
  • Partners in Rhyme
Background stock photos from
  • Pexels
Made with
  • Ren'Py


MobyPro Early Access

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Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 206835
  • [ Please login / register to view all identifiers ]


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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Koterminus.

Game added August 4, 2023. Last modified August 20, 2023.