Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force

aka: STEF
Moby ID: 2536
Windows Specs
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On its course to the Alpha Quadrant, the U.S.S. Voyager is attacked by an unknown ship and is transported to a graveyard of ships with a giant space station in the middle. The player is Ensign Alex Munro (male or female, according to the player's choice), second in command of the newly formed Hazard Team, an elite force of Voyager security personnel. It's up to the player and their team to find out why the Voyager was brought here and to find a way to escape. To do so, they will have to complete several missions on different ships and space stations.

Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force is a first-person shooter that uses the Quake III engine. The different types of missions range from pure combat to stealth missions. The enemies include many well-known Star Trek races like the Borg or the Klingons, but also other alien races and creatures invented specifically for this game. All the weapons have a futuristic design, ranging from the low-damage hand phaser to stasis weapons and grenade launchers. The weapons either gradually recharge ammunition automatically, or require ammunition that can be collected from other weapons or terminals.

Though the player directly controls only Munroe, up to three teammates usually accompany him (or her) during the missions and fight the enemies, controlled by the AI. Scripted events and cutscenes often involve actions committed by these teammates. When not on a mission, Munroe can explore the space ship, talking to characters directly or overhearing their conversations with each other. A few decisions can be made by the player during the course of the game, which may influence the subsequent events.

A multiplayer mode called "Holomatch" is also available.

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Average score: 84% (based on 45 ratings)


Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 81 ratings with 9 reviews)

A fantastic if short 3D Shooter

The Good
Elite Force (EF) is probably the best licensed Star Trek game since 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites.

You play Ensign Alexander Munro (or Alexandria if you play as a female), second in command of the "Hazard Team" - a newly formed unit onboard Voyager. The game starts out onboard a Borg cube, with you on point while downing Borg left and right. After accidentally blowing up your team, the holodeck appears. It was a training scenario. Thus begins the game, which actually looks like an episode of Voyager. From "Opening Credits" that looks like the TV show to the end credits.

The games graphics look absolutely great. Raven had access to the set, and the blueprints of the sets themselves so they could accurately recreate Voyager. They went as far as taking picture of the carpet to get the color right for textures. Using the Quake III engine and it's ability to create curved surfaces, Raven faithfully created the bridge, shuttlebay, mess hall, and engine room. The alien ships are also rendered true-to life, curved and very fluid looking.

The sound is very impressive. Again using SFX from the show (probably first-generation SFX, the actual effects used in the show, not secondary recordings), it immerses you in the game. Original music by the developers sounds like the background music to an episode.

The controls are standard FPS shooting fare, with the exception of reloading. Since there are no clip weapons (they are all engery weapons), you never have to worry about reloading. Although you need to keep an eye on your energy ammo.

The gameplay is varied. A lot of different logical puzzles are thrown into the game, and some really require you to think about where to go. Cutscenes further along the story much like when are watching an episode of Voyager. And being able to test out new weapons on the holodeck BEFORE going into a game situation is really cool. Especially the personal photon torpedo weapon.)

The Bad
On normal mode, the game is really easy to defeat. I've come to expect a lot more challenge to a FPS (especially after playing games like Return to Wolfenstein and Half-Life) on their respective Normal modes of play. This game just didn't challenge me, it really frustrated me on some levels. One instance is when the harvesters attack and you are killing them off one by one in the corridors. The number is so overwhelming (think of the bugs in the movie "Starship Troopers") it gets frustating when you run out of ammo.

The AI of the crewman that are on your side isn't the best. I can't begin to count how many times a crewman has stepped into my line of fire. And the AI of the enemies is pathetic as well. It seems that any enemy automattically concentrate ALL their attacks on you, even when there are THREE OTHER crewman firing at them? Granted I'm shooting at them, but others are as well.

And I'd have like to see more interactivity with other people. Between "Missions" you are required to go and talk with others in order to get the next part of the story going.

And I like action in the game. Granted your supposed to "be" a Ensign, but there was too much "lag time" between missions.

The Bottom Line
Not quite a must-play FPS, but well worth checking out for the unbelievable job Raven did with re-creating Voyager and the Star Trek look. Argueably the best Star Trek game in years, despite it's flaws.

Windows · by Chris Martin (1155) · 2003

Any Star Trek fan has to buy this.

The Good
This game is very good. If you like shooter games, this is for you. You can get a bunch of Star Trek weapons that you've seen on the shows. (and some you haven't) It has the best storyline that I have ever seen in Star Trek games. You literally get attached to the characters. (at least i did) Another great thing is that each weapon has an alternate attack. Most of the time they are more powerful than the regular attack, and all of them take up a bunch more . The graphics are great for a 2000 game, and you don't have to have a top of the line computer to play it on. I haven't found a single bug in it and i've beaten it twice. This lets you know how it is to use the weapons instead of commanding people to use them. In the holomatch mode, there are tons of characters and levels to choose from. You can play on teams or take on the everybody else.

The Bad
There is only one bad thing about this game. It's too SHORT!!

The Bottom Line
If you don't mind beating it the first day then this is a great game to buy. (it only costs about 10 dollars)

Windows · by Jester236 (34) · 2003

Very Good Game.

The Good
Raven has a knack for designing good games. They actually raised the bar a little with this gem.

The graphics were exceptional, proof that Raven can do a great deal with Id engines. The textures are really well done and create an visual of being on the starship.

The sound and music were both top notch, no skips, fidelity issues or artifacts. The themes were unusually suspenseful, adding to the feeling of being in an episode.

The story was actually the strongest point of the game. Unlike most FPS stories, you actually had a good story to tie it together. You wanted to see what would happen next and why.

Alien starships had plenty of eye candy and gave a huge sense of scope. The organic ship was especially beautiful. The animation of the models were pretty good. The emulation of the standard disintegration of targets was very well implemented.

And of course, there was the fantastic level that returned us to the Mirror/Mirror universe. Some other levels included puzzle solving that required logical solutions.

The Bad
Even when you're out with an away team, you were pretty much on your own. The away team members couldn't hit a broad side of a starship. I realize that Raven deliberately designed this feature, but they could've made them a slightly better shot.

The repetitive monsters keep coming at you while you run out of ammo. The lowly phaser never ran out of ammo, but it was pretty useless if you used it for more than a few shots at a time.

And the ridiculously hard final boss...

The Bottom Line
A fun game, even if you don't like Star Trek. Raven really stretched the potential for the Quake III engine for this game.

Windows · by Scott Monster (986) · 2006

[ View all 9 player reviews ]



  • When the game was first released, Jeri Ryan wasn't available to do the voice-overs, and a sound-alike was used. All other TV cast members contributed their own voice to their cyber-counterparts. Jeri's voice was added in the latest official V1.2 patch.
  • Devon Raymond, the woman who does the voice for Alexandria Munroe, also appears in the Voyager TV series finale as a cadet.


In the Gamasutra Postmortem for Elite Force, the developers note the challenges behind tweaking the PC-controlled Elite Force members' AI. Initially, the Elite Force was too good, killing most of the enemies and leaving little for the player to do. Then they made the team less effective, but this resulted in the enemies killing them off unless the player protected them. The solution was to have the Elite Force be less effective, but have the enemies target the player more than the rest of the team.


While most of the hazard team characters were invented specifically for the game, Chell the paranoid bolian is actually a minor character from the Voyager TV show who appears in the episodes "Repression" and "Learning Curve". He's also played by the same guy who does his voice in the game.

Cut content

As told by project lead Brian Pelletier, originally if you left Foster to be assimilated by the Borg, he would appear in the end to help you fight the Forge Boss (in fact, the Borg were supposed to help you anyway) however this final team-up was scrapped from the game at the last moment because of time constraints and AI problems, so Foster had to go.


The game actually installs two icons to your desktop: one for the single-player campaign, and a separate icon for the multi-player Holomatch.


Because of Paramount licensing requirements, The game was developed so none of the TV characters would be killed. Raven opted to create the Elite Force in compliance of the requirement.

Friendly fire

If you fire on a fellow officer, you'll quickly find yourself being targeted by numerous other personnel. If you actually survive the attack for 30 seconds, you are shown to be in the brig, being lectured by a cast member. The cast members actually follow a list, so if you quicksave before you kill a shipmate, you can hear all the crew members lecture you about your criminal actions.


  • During the "R & R" mission, after visiting the mess hall, you can visit your quarters. Inside, you'll find a PADD with "Vulcan Love Slave 3: P'orn Farr" as the content... No, you can't really read it.
  • Some members of the Elite Force are named after employees of Raven. For example, Rick Biessman is named after Eric Biessman, who did Holomatch Level Design for the game. Other examples include Odell, Foster and Munro.
  • The alternate federation you encounter mid-game is taken from the "Mirror, Mirror" episode of the original Star Trek series, in which captain Kirk got trapped in an alternate universe where the federation is actually an evil dictatorial conglomerate.


Whether you play as a man or a woman, you end up being flirted with by a female character. This is almost certainly an oversight by the programmers, and is ironic as the Star Trek lineage has usually shied away from having overtly homosexual characters. The series' original creator Gene Roddenberry was reportedly in favor of the idea, note that the various Star Trek series have often been ahead of their time in having a multiracial cast. Other members of the staff (especially Executive Producer Rick Berman) had ruled against diverse orientations.


  • Computer Gaming World
    • April 2001 (Issue #201) – Best Opening Scene of the Year
  • GameSpy
    • 2000 – Action Game of the Year
    • 2000 – Special Award for Best Use of a Franchise
  • PC Player (Germany)
    • Issue 01/2001 - Best Action Game in 2000
    • Issue 01/2001 - Best Star Trek Game in 2000

Information also contributed by Alan Chan, Dr. Elementary, Istari, Kasey Chang, Martin Smith; Scott Monster, Terrence Bosky and Zovni


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Related Games

Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force: Gold Bundle
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Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force Expansion Pack
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Star Trek: Elite Force II
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Star Voyager
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Star Voyager
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Star Voyager
Released 1979 on Apple II
Star Trek: Voyager - The Arcade Game
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Released 1983 on VIC-20

Related Sites +

  • Elite Force Universe
    Tons of resources for the Elite Force series.
  • The elite force homepage
    This wonderful little websites offer's you game infomation, as well as screen shot aided walkthrough's and stuff regarding Elite Force.

Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 2536
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Terok Nor.

PlayStation 2 added by Kartanym. Macintosh added by Kabushi.

Additional contributors: Apogee IV, paul cairey, Patrick Bregger, Plok.

Game added October 23, 2000. Last modified June 18, 2024.