🤔 How many Breakout variants are there? (answer)
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Daniel Saner @Anamonicon

Contribution Score: 3,509 (+33 in last year)
Member Since: June 6, 2002
Homepage: http://www.dirgames.com/
Steam Community ID anamon
Location: Ebikon, Switzerland
Messages Posted: 1185
About Me:

I started playing games on our first family computer, a 386 MS-DOS PC, when I was around seven years old. To this day, my favourite videogame era is the mid-90s to early 2000s, when magazines came with dozens of playable demos on CD-ROMs, everything was multimedia, and the Internet hadn't yet gobbled up all the other resources and forms of communication.

I've always been a PC gamer first, but am also somewhat partial to Sony consoles, mostly since my best friend from childhood had a PSX and a PS2 and lots of hours were spent on those during my teenage years.

Generally, I prefer games that are single-player and story-driven (adventures, role-playing games, some action games), but I'm also very fond of racing games and various simulations. I don't like strategy games because I'm frustratingly bad at them, while sports games and business simulations tend to bore me very quickly. Some of my more niche gaming interests include old German print magazines, low-budget titles, and shovelware CD-ROMs. Some of that may be reflected in the kind of content I contribute here.