🤔 How many Breakout variants are there? (answer)

Transformers: Human Alliance

Moby ID: 93045

Arcade version

Brainless shooting

The Good
Transformers! * Lots of visual spectacle. * Long play time for a few credits.

The Bad
Lack of depth. * Brainless and repetitive.

The Bottom Line
I'm not really a fan to begin with of these kind of on-rails shooters, but my oldest child reached the age where he became interested in going to the arcade so we played this together. Mostly he held the trigger and I aimed. He loved it, but it's the first thing of this kind he ever played. For me it felt kind of lame, nothing really changed compared to 90s lightgun shooters except the graphics are slightly more flashy. But since this is a game from 2013 even those fail to impress now (not for the 6 year old obviously). It's all very flashy and there's a lot going on, but the gameplay is rather dull with me just having to point at the UI reticles highlighted on the screen. There's some benefit in predicting where they will be, but it's mostly just quick point and click. We could play quite long for the two credits I inserted.

by vedder (71279) on July 29, 2024

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