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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

aka: Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright Trilogy HD, Gyakuten Saiban 123: Naruhodō Selection
Moby ID: 69940

Nintendo 3DS version

A great introduction to the Phoenix Wright series

The Good
The game contains the first 3 titles in the Phoenix Wright series originally released for the Game Boy Advance, but is more well-known as Nintendo DS titles because that's when the titles were released outside Japan. That's a lot of content that will take awhile to complete. There are a lot of interesting characters that make the games more engaging to play. You would also think that the music wouldn't be anything special, but it turns out that the 3 soundtracks are worth listening to outside of playing the game. All of this adds up to being a lawyer defending his client very fun and not boring or even insidious like in real life with lawyers defending criminals like OJ Simpson. There's actually a case where Phoenix has to defend someone who did commit a crime but blackmails him due to putting his friend Maya's life on the line which makes it tense, and makes Phoenix Wright a better character compared to lawyers in real life.

The Bad
There are times when you present evidence in court due to logic reasoning but the game will say that the evidence doesn't match with the contradiction. It won't be until later when you can correctly present evidence because the game says so. Some cases such as the last one in the first game aren't well made due to ridiculous accusations against the defendant and overall taking a long time to complete which makes you want the case be over with. Due to being a visual novel, there's a lot of text to go through and no action, so people that have poor reading comprehension skills like Michael Zimnicki won't like this game. The localization is worth criticizing due to the games taking place in Japan, but for whatever reason the English localization decided that the setting is Los Angeles, which becomes problematic especially in later entries because cases involve specific things in Japanese culture.

The Bottom Line
Get this game and fall in love with this series.

by Anonymous on July 15, 2024

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