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Jazz Jackrabbit

Moby ID: 902

DOS version


The Good
A cute shareware which was proof of Epic Megagames's clear interest in demo scene talents, Jazz Jackrabbit is a cute and fun platform game which wasn't really competing with Sonic the Hedgehog, but merely showed that the PC is a capable arcade platform.

This game has really good graphics, excellent music and sound effects and great replayability value (it's easy to just play it again and again as you never tire of it). The programming is amongst the best ever witnessed on the PC (demo power to the masses) and truly showed the capability of a mere 386.

And it was damn fun too!

The Bad
A bit repetitive, but then it's a platform game so no biggie.

The Bottom Line
A great platform game for the PC. Way to go!

by Tomer Gabel (4535) on February 25, 2000

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