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Contribution Score: 142,738 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: August 25, 2005
Location: United States
Messages Posted: 1086
User Class: This user is an approver.
About Me:

Well, let's see... As far as my computer and console life, I started with a stand-alone Pong game. It hooked to the TV but only played Pong and a 1 player racquetball. Neat to us as this was about '77 or '78 and you controled what was happening in the screen. Next we got an Atari 2600 (all black plastic w/difficulty switches at back). Then we got a Commodore 64 (ruled!). Next we got an NES (ruled again!) and a PC. I kept upgrading the PC and got a SNES (ruled, third time), Genesis (OK), Sega CD (kinda sucked as there were only so many games and most were upgrades of games on other consoles), Sega 32X (what a rip-off!), N64 (cool). That stayed the same a while then my brother got a PlayStation then I got a GameCube and my brother got a PS2. That's where we are as of now. I will look at the Wii but not sure when I will upgrade.