Wing Commander

aka: Squadron, WC1, Wing Commander: Der 3D-Raumkampf-Simulator, Wing Commander: The 3-D Space Combat Simulator, Wingleader
Moby ID: 3
DOS Specs
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Description official descriptions

The Confederation have been at war with the Kilrathi for the past 20 years, and you're just now joining the Vega campaign. You're a 2nd Lieutenant just out of the Academy, with some good work under your belt. You're posted to Tiger's Claw, the flagship of the Confederation Fleet. Will you help the Confederation to victory, or go down in infamy?

Wing Commander is a space combat simulator interspersed with shipboard dialogs. Onboard the ship, you can save/load game, visit the bar to get the latest gossip, or go on to the next mission briefing, and the 3D space combat part.

The 3D space combat has you sitting in the cockpit, where you control the craft like roll, turn, up/down, afterburner, as well as fire guns and launch missiles. There are four different crafts on the Confed side, each with different flight characteristics and armament. You will have a wingman on each mission, and you should keep the wingman alive as the wingman will help you if you issue the right orders. You can also taunt the enemy. You'll be fighting several different types of enemy fighters and capital ships, and even combat a few Kilrathi aces.

When the mission is complete, land back onboard the ship and get ready for the next one. The campaign tree has both winning and losing paths.


  • ウイングコマンダー - Japanese spelling
  • 银河飞将 - Simplified Chinese spelling

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30 People · View all



Average score: 82% (based on 37 ratings)


Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 200 ratings with 17 reviews)

No other game mixes the nail biting action of Wing Commander with the awesome, yet underrated storyline. An all time classic!

The Good
The storyline was great. The graphics, at the time were spellbinding, and the first of their kind. The music brought inspiration and fit the scenario perfectly. The flying interface was simple for non-sim guys like me, yet detailed enough to keep everyone happy. The sense of achievement was also great. You begin to feel like you actually are out there in space. You develop a hate for the Kilrathi, and a build up a duty of service, how great is that!?!

The Bad
Doesnt work at the right speed on 486s and Pentiums. Secret Missions too hard.

The Bottom Line
Take a bit of flight simulator, add a dash of Space Quest, a pinch personality and charm, and your just beginning to scratch the surface of Wing Commander.

DOS · by PsOmA (27) · 1999

An excellent example where the sum is greater than all the parts

The Good
Dynamic music that changes depending on combat rhythm, the back story, the graphics, the little graphical touches like hand moving the stick, intelligent wingman...

The Bad
A bit too repetitive, AI needs work, too much talking heads, a few impossible missions

The Bottom Line
Wing Commander is the game that managed to combine all the great touches into one solid package, and forever changed PC gaming. Wing Commander is hardly the first PC game to use bitmap for 3D graphics (Falcon was), or the first game to feature MIDI music, or digitized sound, or any of the many features that we now take for granted, but it's the first game to do ALL of that in a single game.

You're a 2nd Lieutenant just out of the Academy, with some good work under your belt. You're posted to Tiger's Claw, the flagship of the Confederation Fleet. The Confederation have been at war with the Kilrathi for the past 20 years, and you're just now joining the Vega campaign. Will you help the Confederation to victory, or go down in infamy?

The game is divided into two parts, the shipboard activity where you save/load game, visit the bar to get the latest gossip, or go on to the next mission briefing, and the 3D space combat part. The 3D space combat have you sitting in the cockpit, where you control the craft like roll, turn, up/down, afterburner, as well as fire guns and launch missiles. There are four different crafts on the Confed side, each with different flight characteristics and armament. You will have a wingman on each mission, and you should keep the wingman alive as the wingman will help you if you issue the right orders. You can also taunt the enemy. When the mission is complete, land back onboard the ship and get ready for the next one.

The mission tree is quite complex, and you do not need to "win" every mission. In fact, it's often more fun to try to lose a few missions in order to fly more missions and get more kills on the killboard (yes, every single kill you make are recorded). You also get promotions and medals should your performance warrant it.

The overall experience has forever changed PC gaming. Medals and promotions are nothing new, musics are nothing new, speech are nothing new, but all together, Origin has shown the world that a space combat sim need not be boring with just stats and shooting. It can have a decent backstory and emotional impact as well. This game launched a whole franchise for Origin, and even inspired cartoon series, several novels, and a major motion picture!

DOS · by Kasey Chang (4591) · 2000

A classic, landmark masterpeice

The Good
At the time, Wing Commander's graphics and sound were literally unparalleled; there was no game like it. The dogfighting is fast and furious (even if ridiculously unrealistic) and the ships and weapons are terrific. The missions were very well designed, and the Wing Commander backstory was excellent. A game head and tails above everything else, and followed by a number of outstanding sequels.

The Bad
It was a ripoff that you had to buy a speech pack separately.

Wing Commander is a difficult game to run, as it requires a huge amount of sub-640 memory to get going. Configuring regular memory to play this game is often more trouble than it's worth.

The Bottom Line
A classic, but doesn't age well.

DOS · by Rick Jones (96) · 2001

[ View all 17 player reviews ]


Subject By Date
Save the destroyer. Victor Vance (18175) Jul 30, 2014
Amazing non-linear story from a space simulator? Indra was here (20749) Nov 11, 2008
Need help landing. Indra was here (20749) Nov 8, 2008
How Many Floppy Diskettes? mobiusclimber (235) May 21, 2008


Amiga version

The standard Amiga version of Wing Commander has only 16 colors, as it was released just before the Amiga 1200 which added the 256-color AGA version. Some early demos were made in 32 colors, but the number of colors had to be reduced as the game was too slow on not accelerated Amigas. The only 256-color version is the one bundled with the CD32 system, which also runs on A1200s with CD drives.

Auto pilot

Due to the way the game has you auto-piloting to different nav points where the action takes place, most gamers would think that the engine simply has a generic "endless" space and it simply spawns the required objects when you use the autopilot feature. In reality the game actually generates the entire area you see on your nav computer with all its objects. This can be seen when actually flying to each of the nav points manually.


Wing Commander features a full "winning" and "losing" branches of a campaign tree, with some "neither" branches where you can turn yourself around. Unfortunately, most players simply replay each mission until they win (or else they eject and reload the old savegame), thus NEVER experiencing the "losing" side of the campaign, thus wasting all the effort put in by Origin. Origin simplified the campaign flowchart in all later games (and the mission packs) so that they no longer need completely separate campaign paths for the "losing" branch, to save on development costs.

Copy protection

The original package came with blueprints for the 4 Confed fighters in the game: Hornet, Scimitar, Raptor, and Rapier. The copy protection ask you questions from those blueprints.


Most of the major cutscenes are random in themselves (e.g. every time the briefing starts people sit down and stand up in different order).


This game was almost canceled the quarter before it shipped. The sales & marketing director Marten Davies at Origin did not believe it would sell. In an interview with the German magazine GameStar (issue 05/2016), Roberts refutes this claim and replaces it with a different anecdote: Roberts believed the game would sell 100.000 units, Davies calculated with at least 200.000 units. So Roberts did bet his car (Porsche 944 Turbo) on it - and lost because the game sold 250.000 units in a short time frame. However, with the royalties he could easily afford a new car of the same model...


When you fly a mission with "Maniac", there's the name "Joker" written on his helmet, however if you fly with the other pilots, the right name is on their helmets. Probably Origin changed this before the final release. At least this happens when you play the original Wing Commander Missions with the sm2.exe from Secret Missions 2: Crusade.


The game manual, like other Origin games, is written inside the universe and titled "Claw Marks: The Onboard Magazine of TCS Tiger's Claw". Inside is various stories and articles that might be interesting to an active pilot, including a set of ship's schematics under the heading "Joan's Spacecraft". This is a various obvious nod to the Jane's Information Group which for years published encyclopedic specifications of ships, aircraft, tanks and other machines of war. In the video game world, the Jane's branding has been attached to multiple products.


There have been eight novels written and published set in the Wing Commander universe; unusually, most of them have been at least partially written by the same author, and hence for game novel adaptations can be considered to contain extraordinary degrees of internal continuity:1. Freedom Flight (1992), by Ellen Guon and Mercedes Lackey; 2. End Run (1993), by William R Forstchen and Christopher Stasheff; 3. Fleet Action (1994), by William R Forstchen; 4. Heart of the Tiger (1995), by William R Forstchen and Andrew Keith; 5. The Price of Freedom (1996), by William R Forstchen and Ben Ohlander; 6. Action Stations (1997), by William R Forstchen; 7. False Colors (1998), by William R Forstchen and William H Keith; and 8. Pilgrim Stars (1999), by Peter Telep -- a novel specifically inspired by the WC movie.


There's a large blurb on the back of the original box that says "Every screenshot taken from this game - What You See is What You Play!" However, that's incorrect. Most of the shots on the back were taken from a beta version of the game, featuring weapons, names, and graphics not seen in the final version. Isn't it ironic?

PC Gamer release

A complete version of Wing Commander is available on Classic Games Collection CD featured in the July 2000 issue of PC Gamer Magazine.

Player character

In Wing Commander, the player character has no name and when he was created, his black hair was "highlighted" with lots of streaks of blue (there was a limited color palette). Within Origin, he came to be referred to as "BlueHair" when discussing him. It is possible that this was the basis when he was named "Blair" in later installments of the series.


If you look at the "weapons ratings" you will notice that some are rated in "ESK's". This stands for "Earth Shattering Kabooms!", as per the Marvin the Martian cartoon.

SEGA CD version

The Sega CD version of Wing Commander features voice acting for all the dialogue in the game. There are not even any subtitles.


In 2002 Team Fat announced the release of a completely redone Soundtrack-CD. The bonus track of this CD - a surf-version of the WC-Theme - can be found at


Unique for its time, Wing Commander used a hybrid 3D system that took place in true 3D space, but used bitmaps drawn from different angles for sprites. The end result was a 3D system that was fast without the speed penalty of rendering polygons in realtime (bitmap scaling and rotation was employed instead). A similar method was used in Wolfenstein 3D and Doom, but not until several years later.


The game was originally going to be called Wingleader and had that name until very shortly before it was shipped. It was changed at the last minute when it was discovered a board game had the same name and they didn't want to risk trademark infringement. Some beta-test pictures can still be found which contain that name.


  • ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment)
    • March 1991 (issue #42) - Included in the list Greatest Games of all Time in category Simulations (editorial staff choice)
  • Amiga Joker
    • Issue 02/1994 – Best Simulation in 1993 (Readers' Vote)
  • Computer Gaming World
    • November 1991 (Issue #88) – Game of the Year
    • April 1992 (Issue #93) – Introduced into the Hall of Fame
    • November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) - #7 in the “150 Best Games of All Time” list
    • November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) – #10 Best Way To Die In Computer Gaming (receiving a funeral)
    • November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) – #12 Most Rewarding Ending of All Time
    • 200th anniversary issue - #4 in the "Best Game of All Time" list (Readers' vote)
  • FLUX
    • Issue #4 - #20 in the "Top 100 Video Games of All-Time" list
  • GameSpy
    • 2001 – #34 Top Game of All Time
  • GameStar (Germany)
    • Issue 12/1999 - #4 in the "100 Most Important PC Games of the Nineties" ranking
  • Power Play
    • Issue 01/1991 - Best Action Game in 1990 (DOS version)

Information also contributed by Adam Baratz, Big John WV, Felix Knoke, IJan, Kasey Chang, Martin Smith, PCGamer77, Pseudo_Intellectual, quizzles7, rstevenson, Steve Cantrell, Thomas Perl, weregamer, Windowskiller, WildKard, WizardX and Zovni


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Related Games

Wing Commander: Prophecy
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Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger
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Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
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Wing Commander Academy
Released 1993 on DOS, 2013 on Windows
Wing Commander 1+2
Released 2011 on Windows, 2012 on Macintosh
Wing Commander: Privateer - CD-ROM Edition
Released 1994 on DOS, 2011 on Windows, 2012 on Macintosh
Star Wars: X-Wing
Released 1993 on DOS

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  • MobyGames ID: 3
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Trixter.

Amiga added by Rebound Boy. SNES added by Satoshi Kunsai. FM Towns added by Terok Nor. SEGA CD added by quizzley7.

Additional contributors: Brian Hirt, Kasey Chang, monkeyislandgirl, formercontrib, Ricky Derocher, 梦迪 高, Patrick Bregger, Jo ST.

Game added March 1, 1999. Last modified May 27, 2024.