Game Groups > Licensed title: Athletes
Games that are licensed or endorsed by specific athletes (or coaches, managers and other people famous from sports). Only games where the athlete's name (or nickname) is part of the title are included here. Games such as the FIFA series are therefore excluded even if these too include licensed players.
Although most athletes are licensed for sports games, there are some that have appeared in other types of games such as Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City, Venus: The Case of the Grand Slam Queen and Ronaldo & Hugo: Superstar Skaters.
Related Groups
- 2K Sports games
- Console Generation Exclusives: Nintendo 64
- Console Generation Exclusives: Sega Genesis
- EA Classics releases
- EA Sports games
- Games pulled from digital storefronts
- Licensed Title: Sports clubs / teams
- PlayStation 2 Platinum Range releases
- PlayStation Platinum Range releases
- Xbox Classics releases
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